Liferay Boot Camp - Agenda - Liferay Bootcamp 2022
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Asset Publisher
Marco Leo ci presenterà le strategie di Liferay, in questo momento storico ricco di sfide, che hanno come obiettivo il riuscire a supportare le imprese ed organizzazioni nei vari settori di competenza.
Domenico ed Enrico ci presenteranno come sia possibile trasformare in un prodotto Liferay integrandolo con Open Square Spaces.
3D App for a complete Collaboration on Spaces enviroment
We will show you our experience in collecting Liferay content using headless APIs and how we have extended those APIs for integration with an opensource cognitive search system.
In this speech we will investigate the main potential that the integration of a tool for Marketing Automation can offer to the digital experience of Liferay.
Leveraging the new "Liferay Objects" feature to implement an alternative solution architecture for Liferay DXP, Portal and the Cloud
Stylebook, Fragment, Collection, Asset Library and Page Template, tools that allow you to reduce the gap between design and implementation
Antonio Musarra, author of the books "Liferay Development with Maven" and "Liferay Portal Security Audit", will explain how to use the Liferay authentication framework to develop a secure portal access mechanism via Smart Card (TS-CNS and CIE)
Matteo Pavan will tell us how Liferay can help organizations in the sale of spare parts and after-sales management.